Parent and Family Engagement
Parent and Family Engagement means the participation of parents/family in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities. The Vicksburg Warren School District (District) will implement the following requirements relating to parent/family engagement.
The District working jointly with parents developed the following policy, which outlines programs, activities, and procedures for parent and family engagement to be implemented in all of the District’s school with Title I, Part A programs. The programs, activities, and procedures developed under this policy will be consistent with Section 1118 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Parents shall be informed of this policy and given an opportunity to review the policy annually.
Each school participating in Title I, Part A programs will provide a written school-parent compact outlining the parents’ and school’s roles in the academic success of the child consistent with section 1118 of ESEA.
The District and its schools will provide, to the extent practical, full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parent with disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports required under section 1111 of ESEA in an understandable and uniform format, and to the extent practical, in a language parents understand.
If the District’s plan for Title I, Part A programs is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children, the parents should submit concerns in writing to the district level Federal Programs Office. The local Federal Program Office will make every effort to resolve concerns.
Non-satisfactory written parental concerns from parents of Title I participating children that are not resolved by the District within a reasonable timeframe shall be forwarded to the Mississippi Department of Education /Office of Federal Programs, P.O. Box 771, Jackson, Mississippi 39205.
The District will reserve and utilize yearly not less than one percent (1%) of its total allocation of Title 1, Part A for parent and family engagement activities. Not less than ninety (90%) of the one percent reserved funds shall be used at Title I school sites.
The District will inform parents of the school and parent resources and/or community agencies that can provide additional needed services for Title I students.
Vicksburg Warren School District will take the following steps to build parents’ capacity for parent and family engagement in the school and school system:
Require that parents of Title I, Part A students are included on the advisory committee at each school and at the district level.
Title I schools will conduct an annual parent needs assessment
Conduct general meetings to involve parents of participating students in developing the parent and family engagement policy. To maximize participation, meetings will be arranged at a variety of times.
Give an additional opportunity for parents of participating students to furnish input by forwarding a draft of the policy to parents.
Develop an appropriate role for community-based agencies and businesses to participate in school activities.
Vicksburg Warren School District with the assistance of its Title I schools will provide assistance to parents of participating children, in understanding topics relating to their child’s academic progress by:
Conducting annual workshops or assist in providing written documentation that explains:
The State’s academic standards;
The State’s student academic achievement standards;
The State and District’s academic assessments including alternate assessments;
How to monitor their child’s progress; and
How to work with their child’s teacher(s).
The District will provide assistance and other needed support to assist Title I, Part A schools in planning and implementing effective parent and family engagement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance by:
Supporting parent resources at each Title I, Part A school;
Providing materials to parents to improve their child’s academic achievement;
Providing information and workshops relating to core academics subjects to enable parents to support the instruction of educators;
Providing other meaningful parent and family engagement activities, such as but not limited to Family Fun Night, Family Math Night, Reading Around the Campfire, Report Card Night, Meet the Teacher Night, which will support the whole child’s academic progress and to improve the home/school communication.
The District will coordinate parent and family engagement activities with Head Start and other local preschool programs. The activities will include, but not limited to:
Supporting a preschool and Head Start Day;
Technical assistance to teachers and parents of local preschool students and Head Start students;
Supporting a summer transition program for students, who attend local preschool programs and Head Start programs who will enter kindergarten during the fall.
The parent and family engagement policy will be assessed annually by participating Title I schools or individuals designated by the district’s superintendent to ascertain the program’s effectiveness, strengths, and weaknesses. The findings will be reported to the parents and Title I schools.
For additional resources for parents, please click here