1500 Mission 66 Vicksburg, MS 39182
Email Mrs. Katrina Hills
Foster Care
Title I foster care provisions in the ESEA requires that State educational agencies (SEAs) and local educational agencies (LEAs) collaborate with State and local child welfare agencies to ensure school stability for children in foster care.
A child in foster care must remain in his or her school of origin if that is determined to be in the child's best interest. If, on the other hand, it is in the child's best interest to be enrolled in a new school, the child must be immediately enrolled, and the new school must promptly contact the school of origin to obtain necessary records. Further, to ensure that a child in foster care remains in his or her school of origin (when it is in the child's best interest), school districts must develop procedures that address how transportation to the schools of origin for children in foster care will be provided.
For additional information and support click Mississippi Department of Education, or contact VWSD McKinney-Vento liaison, Mrs. Katrina Hills.
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