Gifted And Talented Educational Services

What makes a child gifted and talented may not always be good grades in school, but a different way of looking at the world and learning .- Chuck Grassley
The mission of the Vicksburg Warren School District’s GATES program is to develop life-long, self-motivated learners.
" Vicksburg Warren School District understands that every child has genius - whether it be in the classroom, on the playing field or in art class. The VWSD offers the gifted program for its intellectually gifted students. This program is offered in addition to the regular classroom educational program, and is designed to meet the individual needs of these students by challenging them with accelerated learning opportunities. The VWSD is committed to developing each child and to graduating all students college, career and life prepared. The Gifted and Talented Educational Services (G.A.T.E.S.) program in the district is an integral part of accomplishing this goal."
The Vicksburg Warren School District provides a gifted education program for its INTELLECTUALLY GIFTED students in grades 2nd-6th. The gifted education program is designed to meet the individual needs of these students and are in addition to, and different from the regular classroom educational program. Gifted students require a specialized differentiated educational program which enables these students to realize and cultivate their potential contribution to self and society. Criteria must be met for a student to receive gifted services. GATES students are served for a minimum of 360 per week through a pull-out program.
These are the skills taught in each of our gifted classrooms. We have a specific scope and sequence for each grade so that students may best learn these outcomes at their developmental level.
Thinking Skills
Information Literacy
Success Skills
Affective Skills
Communication Skills
The Vicksburg Warren School District has an open referral policy and accepts gifted referrals in grades 2-6 throughout the school year. Referrals may come from parents, teachers, the students themselves, or from any other member of the community.
Program Goals
VWSD will provide:
1. An equitable identification process for gifted students which is inclusive and meets requirements as outlined in state regulations.
2. A safe environment with a curriculum and delivery system that addresses the cognitive, affective, and relational characteristics and needs of the gifted learner.
3. Challenging learning experiences that address the multiple talents, challenges, and cultural diversity of the gifted students.
4. Differentiated guidance efforts, with the assistance of school guidance counselors, to meet the social emotional needs of gifted students including those that are underachieving, twice exceptional, and from diverse populations.
5. An on-going evaluation of students’ progress and a comprehensive annual assessment of the district program.
6. Specialized training for gifted teachers and other personnel involved in educating gifted students.
Common Characteristics of Gifted Children:
Common Characteristics of Gifted Students While it is unusual for a child to manifest all the following characteristics, gifted students may exhibit many of these, even at an early age (Blum, 1985; Webb, Gore, Amend, & DeVries, 2007):
Possesses a large storehouse of information about a variety of topics
Prefers complex and challenging tasks
Sees connections between apparently unconnected ideas and activities
Prefers to work independently
Prefers older companions
Is a perfectionist
Has a sophisticated sense of humor
Loves puzzles, mazes and numbers
Can elaborate on ideas
Enjoys solving problems, especially with numbers and puzzles
Displays curiosity about many topics
Is persistent
Reads with comprehension at an early age
Shows quick mastery and recall of factual information
Has insight into cause-effect relationships
Has a ready grasp of underlying principles
Is a keen and alert observer
Exhibits advanced vocabulary for age or grade level
Has a passionate interest area
Is intense; gets totally absorbed in activities and thoughts
Displays asynchronous development
Unusual alertness, even in infancy
Rapid learner; puts thoughts together quickly
Excellent memory
Unusually large vocabulary and complex sentence structure for age
Parenting gifted children can be challenging! Click on the resources below to help with information and support.
Mississippi Association for Gifted Children
National Association for Gifted Children
For more information, please contact
Khalilah Young, Gifted Coordinator
1315 Grove Street
Vicksburg, MS 39180
Phone: 601-534-1029
E-mail: khalilah.young@vwsd.org