English Learners (EL)
The purpose of the VWSD ELL program is to help ensure that children, who are limited English speakers, attain English proficiency and achieve state standards in all academic subjects.
The instructional educational program in the Vicksburg Warren School District is modeled after the following research-based programs:
- Pull-out Program
This program model enables a paraprofessional or a tutor to provide students with small group instruction or individual work outside the classroom. In addition, a paraprofessional or tutor may serve students in a small group within the regular classroom setting. All instructional activities take place at the student’s home school. Click here for additional information.
EL Instructional Support
Mrs. Liliana Bryant, EL Instructional Support
Mrs. Marisol Gonzalez, EL Instructional Support
Mrs. Katrina Hills, Coordinator
Ms Katie Gatewood, EL Instructional Support