Child Find

Do you know of a child with a disability?
The Vicksburg Warren School District participates in the ongoing statewide effort to identify, locate, and evaluate children, ages birth to twenty-one, who may have physical, mental, communicative and/or emotional disabilities. Early identification and support to children with disabilities are important in maximizing each child’s potential. It is, therefore, the goal of this campaign to identify, locate, and evaluate all children suspected of having a disability who reside in the Vicksburg Warren School District. This includes children in daycare, highly mobile children (such as migrant and homeless children), wards of the State, private school children, children advancing from grade to grade, or any child who is suspected of having a disability and who is in need of special education services. The Vicksburg Warren School District Child Find activities continue throughout the year, including holidays, spring break, and during the summer months, and referrals are not limited by the number of requests received per year nor the time of year the request is received.
If you have any questions regarding Child Find, please contact the Special Education Office at (601) 636-4371.