School Nurses

The school nurses in the Vicksburg Warren School District (VWSD) maintain a mission to advance the wellness, academic success and life-long achievement of students in the district. They will accomplish this by implementing strategies, which promote the health and safety of all students and staff members.

The school nurse serves as the health professional expert for the school community and provides the following:

  • Assesses, monitors and implements the nursing protocol for student and/or staff with illness, injury, and communicable disease.

  • Conducts health screening for factors that may impact students' learning and well being, such as vision and hearing screening. They conduct a district-wide screening program for vision on all Kindergarten students and scoliosis screening on all 6th-grade students. Any other student may be screened upon request.

  • Provides nursing procedures such as gastrostomy feedings or catheterization care for students with disabilities and/or health conditions in the school setting.

  • Works as a team member to identify and evaluate health and safety issues, which could be detrimental to school students and staff.

  • Provides health counseling and interventions for nutritional issues, chronic illness, disease prevention, and positive lifestyle such as information on tobacco cessation.

  • Implements activities and education to promote health regarding normal development and prevention of tobacco and alcohol use, substance abuse, and sexually transmitted diseases for students.

  • Coordinates and provides health education (a wellness program) and flu vaccines for the teachers and other school staff.

  • Administers medication, when applicable. Conducts training for designated school staff on administrating medications in schools without a full-time school nurse.

  • Acts as a liaison between home, school, health care providers, the community, and community resources.

There are eight school nurses serving the Vicksburg Warren School District. Please feel free to contact them via phone or e-mail with any questions or comments.

Dru N. Holdiness, BSN, RN, NCSN

Phone: 601-629-6871(RCEC)

Phone:601-636-2914 (VHS)
Email Dru N. Holdiness
Serves as a school nurse for:

  • Vicksburg High School

  • River City Early College

Karie Lynch, BSN, RN, NCSN

Phone: 601-619-4453 (Bovina)

Phone:601-638-3372 (WCHS)
Serves as a school nurse for:

  • Bovina Elementary

  • Warren Central High School

Ciji Jordan, RN, C.

Phone: 601-638-4199
Email Cici Jordan
Serves as a school nurse for:

  • Dana Road Elementary

  • Vicksburg Intermediate School

Trina Lassiter, RN

Phone: 601-638-5656
Email Trina Lassiter
Serves as a school nurse for:

  • Sherman Avenue Elementary

  • Warren Central Intermediate

Sharon Caldwell, BSN, RN

Phone: 601-638-3981
Email Sharon Caldwell
Serves as a school nurse for:

  • Warren Central Junior High

  • Academy of Innovation

Ashley Gustafsen, BSN, RN

Phone: 601-636-2486 (Bowmar)

Phone: 601-636-4885 (Redwood)
Email Nurse Ashley
Serves as a school nurse for:

  • Bowmar Elementary

  • Redwood Elementary

Shelley Delaughter, RN

Phone:601-638-3875 (Beechwood)

Phone:601-636-0176 (South Park)
Email Nurse Shelley
Serves as a school nurse for:

  • Beechwood Elementary

  • South Park Elementary

Brenda Arambula, BSN, RN, NCSN

Phone:601-636-1966 (VJHS)

Phone:601-636-7549 (Warrenton)
Email Nurse Brenda
Serves as a school nurse for:

  • Vicksburg Junior High School

  • Warrenton Elementary