Precision Machining
Program Description
The Precision Machining pathway is designed as a secondary program for preparation to enter the field of precision machining and metal turning. The Precision Machining program includes an introduction to the basic machining metalworking processes. The purpose of the course is to prepare students to continue study in a postsecondary metals program (Precision Machining, Machine Tool Operation, and Automotive Machining) or to begin work at the entry level in a machining occupation. The machining courses found in this curriculum were written to the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) credentialing standards.
What should I expect in this program?
Students should expect to develop a deep understanding of the fundamental and intermediate machining skills by completing classroom assignments and lab assignments. Students will learn how to use basic hand tools and power tools. Students will also learn how to run a manual mill and lathe. CNC programing is taught during the second year.
Student Organization: SkillsUSA dues- $14
Uniform: work pants, short sleeve shirt, and closed toe shoes or boots
State Assessment: MS-CPAS2