All juniors will be taking the ACT next Tuesday, February 25th. Please make sure your junior is well rested and on campus no later than 8:25 am to test with their CHARGED Chromebook. All testing will begin at 9:00 am.

It's that time again. We are excited to welcome new Pre-Kindergarten students! #wearevwsd

Attention Parents.....please read and adhere to the deadline if you would like.

Ms. Eunice Polk, a teacher at Vicksburg High School, presented her Intro to Academy classes with their Certificates of Completion in Employability Soft Skills Micro-Credential and Energy Micro-Credential.
The students' Employability Soft Skills certificate is a partnership with and endorsed by the National Technical Honor Society. Their Energy certificate is a partnership with Dominion Energy, emphasizing that 'Action Speaks Louder.'
Students completed 19 modules covering six core conferences and 22 sub-competencies to earn the Employability Soft Skills micro-credential. They demonstrated competency mastery by scoring 80% or higher on 13 knowledge checks. Each student earned an excellent 80% or more score on the micro-credential final assessment.
The Energy Micro-Credential required students to complete 16 course modules covering 13 core competencies. Students demonstrated compass mastery by scoring 80% or higher on six knowledge checks and 80% or greater on the Micro-Credential final assessment.

Ms. Polk's VHS Introduction to Academy Teacher organized an event where Chief Derrick Stamps and City of Vicksburg Fire Department members spoke to 9th-grade students about career prospects. Additionally, several students earned their CPR Certification from the State of Mississippi Heart Association, with Captain McDaniel from the Vicksburg Fire Department administering the test.

The City of Vicksburg's Mayor George Flaggs, Jr., Aldermen Mayfield and Monsour presented Decorey Knight Jr. with a Certificate of Achievement for breaking former Vicksburg High School's Gator Sylvester Stamps' record from 1977-1979 of 2,946 yards.

Lauren Flagg of Vicksburg High School is recognized as December’s recipient of the Amaze Award presented by Alderman Mayfield. The award is in memory of Alderman Mayfield's father the late Michael Mayfield, Sr. for individuals who exhibit outstanding character and community service. Currently Lauren is working as an intern with Vicksburg Warren Youth Development Center making her the first intern of the 2024-2025 school year.

Vicksburg High School JROTC reads to the students at South Park Elementary.

Juniors & Seniors! Hinds Community College will be offering night classes for free in the spring for Intro to Culinary Arts, Infant & Toddler Development, and Photography for Games . Interested juniors and seniors scan the QR code on the flyer.

Early morning heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) and electric class offered January 2025 from 7-8 am. This is Spring Semester coursework from Hinds CC. Students will get hands-on experience working in a lab equipped with HVAC appliances. See your counselor for inquiries or interests.

Congratulations, Vicksburg High School for being recognized by the College Board as Bronze level on the AP School Honor Roll 2023-2024. Bronze level award indicates that Vicksburg High expanded the college culture by enabling 40% of the graduating class to experience at least 1 AP course before graduating. Congratulations Vicksburg High.

Congratulations, Decorey Knight Jr., a senior and running back for Vicksburg High broke former Gator and 6 year NFL player, Sylvester Stamps’ 45-year-old school record. Stamps' record of 2,946 yards was set between 1977 and 1979. Currently, in 2024, Decorey has set the bar even higher with 2,960 yards and 28 rushing touchdowns in his three year varsity career with the Vicksburg Gators. Great job Decorey!

Let’s Talk Vicksburg, hosted by Vicksburg High School senior Kynnade Washington, is a new podcast at Vicksburg High School. Let’s Talk Vicksburg is a show that will bring you inspiring conversations and stories from the Vicksburg Community. On our first show, Kynnade interviewed Ms. Jessica Holly. Ms. Holly has been a Vicksburg Warren School District employee for 20 years, serving as a teacher and principal. She’s now the owner of two nonprofits, Empower YOUniversity and emPower22:6. If you would like to be a part of our new podcast, please get in touch with us at gatornews@vwsd.org or ctillman@vwsd.org.

On next Tuesday, October 22, 2024, the Vicksburg-Warren School District (VWSD) will have a full Virtual Learning Day for all 9th and 10th grade students. This decision allows the district to provide an optimal testing environment for our 11th and 12th grade students, who will be taking the ACT in our high school facilities.
We encourage all families to ensure that students are prepared for their virtual learning experience and have access to their assignments via Google Classroom. Additionally, all 11th and 12th graders should bring their charged Chromebooks and student ID’s for testing. Good luck juniors and seniors!

Reminder: All VWSD schools will be closed on Friday, March 29th-Monday, April 1st. Students return to school on Tuesday, April 2, 2024. Best wishes for a safe and wonderful holiday! #wearevwsd

Reminder: Wednesday, March 6, 2024 is an early release day for students. Students will be released on the following schedule:
Elementary: 12:25 PM
Junior High: 1:15 PM
High School: 1:30 PM

On School Bus Driver Appreciation Day, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the bus drivers who safely transport our students to and from school every day. Your hard work and dedication truly make a difference! #wearevwsd

Vicksburg High School JROTC inducted Brigadier General (Retired) Robert Crear and Brigadier General (Retired) Donna Williams into its Wall of Fame.

REMINDER: All VWSD Schools and Offices will be open on a regular schedule on Monday, February 19, 2024. We look forward to seeing you!

Reminder: All VWSD Schools and Offices will be open on a regular schedule on Monday, February 19, 2024. We look forward to seeing you!