Spotlight- Student jobs outside of school

Damion helps out at school whenever he sees a job to be done
- Damion Boyd (10th grade)

Alec is always first to volunteer if anyone needs help and he always has a positive attitude
- Alec Stokes (12th grade)

Ruby is said to be a good role model to her fellow students
- Ruby Harthcock (9th grade)

Ra'Darrius volunteers around the school and is always willing to do any job
- Ra'Darrius Compton (10th Grade)

Anna Kate goes above and beyond, serving RCEC any way she can
- Anna Kate Davis (11th Grade)

Lauren is friendly and punctual, being someone her classmates can look up to
- Lauren Coleman (9th Grade)

Harmony is consistent, reliable, and inspiring
- Harmony Coleman (12th Grade)

Brinson shows leadership by helping others and motivating them to do their best
- Brinson Williams (11th Grade)