Leadership Portfolios
At AOI, your child writes his/her academic and personal goals in a Digital Leadership Portfolio using Google Sites. You will gain a lot of information on how your child is doing if you ask him/her to tell you about his/her Leadership Notebook. The goals chosen are meaningful to your child, so be sure to practice Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood.
The Leadership Notebook idea can also be used in your home. Create goals such as reading together, eating dinner at the table, or doing an activity together. Involve everyone in the family in choosing a meaningful goal and action steps. Post the goal and the action steps in a visible place and be sure to track and celebrate progress!
Leadership Notebooks Research has shown that the simple act of writing a goal greatly increases the chances of accomplishing the goal. If the goal is broken down into action steps and the action steps are tracked, goals have an even greater percentage of success.