The goal of the Academy of Innovation Middle School Program admissions process is to select and admit a diverse group of academically capable students in the Vicksburg Warren School District who have a genuine interest in pursuing this innovative and rigorous program.  Each application, and accompanying documentation, will be reviewed by the admissions team.  All students will be evaluated based on the specific admissions elements outlined below.  Elements considered for admission include:  

ACADEMIC POTENTIAL:  Grades (80 or higher on grade level content in ELA, Math, AND Science); state test scores, district benchmarks, and iReady; and attendance (including tardies and early check-outs). STUDENTS NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN A VWSD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WILL NEED TO BRING A COPY OF THEIR CHILD’S 1ST SEMESTER REPORT CARD PRIOR TO THE APPLICATION DEADLINE.

REFERENCES:  Three (3) references - one each from your current ELA, Math, & if available, a Science teacher. If your math and science teacher are the same, get a current special area teacher recommendation. The link can be found on the VWSD/Academy of Innovation website.  

APPLICATION:  Well-written, thoughtful responses provided by the student and parents/guardian should be provided. Once you start this application, you must finish it. It will not save midway. 

CHARACTERISTICS:   Intellectual curiosity, self-motivation, maturity, self-discipline, and a desire for a non-traditional middle school setting are the characteristics that will be considered. 

All applications will be evaluated.  ALL APPLICATIONS ARE STRICTLY DUE by Friday, March 7, 2025 at midnight.  No applications will be taken after this date and time.

*Phone numbers, addresses and emails SHARED ON THIS APPLICATION are our ONLY resource used for communication with the applicant and guardians.  PLEASE MAKE SURE THIS INFORMATION IS CORRECT.

NOTE:   AOI students may participate in band & sports at their zoned schools.

              AOI students will be excused from AOI classes for games or competitions only.