Professional Development

The concept of differentiated professional learning is a revolutionary approach designed to meet the diverse needs of teachers and administrators to the concepts and issues associated with 21st century learning. In the spirit of aspiring to becoming a community of learners, our newly adopted approach will allot for application/ with feedback regarding a number of key concepts and issues that are embedded within the construct of effective instructional practices. It is our belief that these practices will allow for more effective coaching so that all learners will achieve maximum success.
Program Standards
Core standards are directly reflective of the Standards for Professional learning as outlined by Learning Forward. These standards provide direction for designing professional learning experiences that ensure educators acquire the necessary knowledge and skills.
Strategic Design
The professional learning system of the Vicksburg Warren School District is aligned to reflect a strong commitment to high performing collaborative teams, along with a commitment to a collective cycle of inquiry and reflection on the results of student achievement in order to improve learning. As such all professional learning is designed to promote practice through the application of content and strategies in support of student achievement, the science of evidence-based teaching, the science of learning, and the art of teaching for learner success.
Professional Development Strands
Assessment and Evaluation
Classroom Management
Instructional Strategies
Knowledge of Content
Technology Utilization and Instructional Integration
Test Data Interpretation and Utilization
Special Areas
Staff Appraisal Process and Procedures