At the Vicksburg Warren School District, we believe that all education leads to employment. We worked with the local business and community leaders to create a portrait of a graduate that describes the knowledge and skills VWSD graduates will need to be successful in each of four areas.
Employed - with meaningful credentials they earned during their time at VWSD.
Enlisted - in the military or Americorps or other service organization.
Enrolled - in post-secondary education because their career goals require additional education and training.
Entrepreneur - because our students may choose to work for themselves.
Building these skills begins as early as Pre-Kindergarten.
Below are the grade level requirements for graduating college, career and life prepared.
PRE K: Developing Awareness of Work and Workers What Do Adults Do When They Go to Work? Working Together
KINDERGARTEN: Developing Awareness of Work and Workers What Do Adults Do When They Go to Work? Working Together
1ST GRADE: Work, Career Paths and Me! What Work Do Adults Do At Your School? School Jobs, School Success
2ND GRADE: Making Connections; What Work Do Adults Do In Our Community? Personal Job Skills
3RD GRADE: Targeting Career; Career Investigations: Jobs in the World of Works; Workers in Our School Community
4TH GRADE: Finding My Place in the Community; The Road to Careerville: Exploring Career Paths & Requirements; Working
Together;Presenting: Me!
5TH GRADE: Let’s Investigate; Finding My Place in the World; It’s Magic! Understanding the Roles, Responsibilities, Grades, and
Requirements of Workers in Various Careers
6TH GRADE: Take an interest assessment at the “Career One Stop.”Explore career clusters on the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Explore careers related to students’ strengths, skills, and talents.Create an Action Plan with academic and personal goals.
7TH GRADE: Individual Success Plan Brochure and introduction letter sent home. Host a parent night to educate parents about
ISP including the 5-year academic plan. Understand the importance of academic success and consequences of falling
behind.Show “Job Hunter” videos based on MS companies and careers. Connect students with videos based on chosen career
8TH GRADE (KEYSTONE): Take the skills and work values assessment at the “Career One Stop.”Show “Job Hunter” videos based
on MS companies and careers. Connect students with videos based on chosen career cluster. Host/attend a career fair.Host
parent night at the high school to educate parents on graduation requirements and high school opportunities. Focus on how
academic and extracurricular choices differ from middle school
9TH GRADE:Complete the “Explore Careers” activities on the Career One Stop website (See MS Career Dev. Pacing Guide 9th-
12th grade)Take the “Career Cluster Interest Survey”Explore career opportunities on the Bureau of Labor Statistics Use “My
Next Move” to explore careers Review 9th grade “College Planning Guide” Meet with school counselor (See MS Career Dev.
Pacing Guide (9th-12th grade for a description of activities)
10TH GRADE: Review/revise/redo “Career Exploration” activities on Career One Stop, Bureau of Labor Statistics, My Next
Move, and Review “College Planning Checklist” for 10th grade Research colleges to find potential matches for
career and personal interest (“Match and Fit”) (See MS Career Dev. Pacing Guide 9th-12th grade)
11TH GRADE: Create an ACT profile account And/Or Create a College Board Big Future account Review “College Planning
Checklist” for 11th grade Research colleges to find potential matches for career and personal interest (“Match and Fit”) (See
MS Career Dev. Pacing Guide 9th-12th grade)Attend college fairs Create a resume;Identify juniors eligible for ACT, SAT, PSAT,
and AP exam fee waivers; Meet with school counselor (See MS Career Dev. Pacing Guide (9th-12th grade for a description of
activities)Register for NCAA for student athletes
12TH GRADE: INTERNSHIPS/CAPSTONE Create an ACT profile account And/Or Create a College Board Big Future account
Review College Planning Checklist for 12th grade Research colleges to find potential matches for career and personal interest
(Match and Fit) (See MS Career Dev. Pacing Guide (9th-12th grade for a description of activities)Narrow choices to around 5
colleges Schedule campus visits Attend college fairs Participate in College Countdown MS Events Request letters of
recommendation Write college essays Practice interviewing for college admissions and scholarships Create a calendar of
college admissions and scholarships deadlines Create a form to list college applications Identify seniors eligible for ACT, SAT,
AP exam, and college application fee waivers Register student athletes for NCAA Meet with school counselor Assist students
and families in understanding financial aid and scholarship award letters Support students during transition from high school to