Counselor's Corner 

Career and Technical Center

Dr. Terence James, CTE Administrator

Dr. Tonya Drake, CTE Counselor

Mission Statement:

The Vicksburg Warren School District’s Career and Technical Center Counseling Department aim is to provide a proactive, comprehensive, and appropriate program to address students’ academic and career goals while supporting their personal and social needs.  We strive to accomplish this through a partnership with parents/guardians, staff and community stakeholders. We aim to enable all students to become successful citizens and lifelong learners equipped with the literacy skills to succeed in a challenging and diverse workforce.

Vision Statement:

The Vicksburg Warren School District’s Career and Technical Center Counseling Department will empower all students to reach their maximum potential by using a comprehensive program that addresses academic, personal/social and career goals. We will promote an environment to encourage personal inquiry and growth, social responsibility, and academic excellence.  We believe all students can succeed and will leave VWSD prepared for employment, enlistment, enrollment, or entrepreneurship.  


  • All students are unique and should be treated with respect and dignity.

  • Every student can succeed.

  • Learning is a lifelong process


Vicksburg Warren School District Career and Technical Educational Program is proud to provide scholarship to our students and parents. The scholarships are grouped into categories that may be helpful in your search. These lists are not conclusive but provide a starting point for your scholarship search.  We hope this information is beneficial to you. If you need additional information please contact your high school counselors or Mrs. Tanya Cole at 601-629-6884.  

Free Scholarship Search Engines